SalesPlay is online software that uses AI to streamline account research, identify optimal entry points, and generate personalized sales materials. This ensures that sales reps can focus on
high-value activities and have the most relevant information at their fingertips.
We are on a mission to help sales reps close strategic deals by delivering:
the right message,
to the right person,
at the right time.
We envision a sales co-pilot who knows your prospects, company, and calendar. You never have to prompt or chat with the co-pilot because it is always two steps ahead.
● It watches your top accounts and alerts you when it’s the best time to reach out.
● It knows your calendar and sends you a meeting brief and your slide deck before each meeting.
● It joins your meeting to take notes, update your CRM, and update its messaging.
● It creates the first draft of your proposals.
● It identifies the executive stakeholders that you need to reach and creates custom content that can be shared.
● It creates custom sales materials in your prospect’s brand, that your champion can use.
Our core value proposition is highly personalized messaging and documents.
Our AI works for you behind the scenes. You don’t have to remember to research something or ask the chatbot questions. The AI sends you updated emails and reminders.
We are not a CRM or a sales automation tool. We sit in between your CRM and outbound sales tool.
We are not a generic one-size-fits-all all LLM that you can ask questions to . . . like Einstein, Jasper, or Chatgpt.